Gold Star Award for Luxury Welsh Marmalade
We’ve received multiple awards for our luxury welsh marmalade over the years. 2020 saw a very special 1 gold star Great Taste award for our Seville Orange & Welsh Apple Brandy Marmalade. Made with an award winning welsh apple brandy and organic Seville oranges it received some super comments from the Great Taste judges “A lovely pale orange colour and an enticing flavour. The bitter orange and the apple brandy come through. A soft set with peel that has a good bite, creating depth in character.” “The apple brandy works well with the orange, creating a lightness and additional fresh fruitiness.” “The texture of the pith is superb and creates good bite and mouth feel, along with the true characteristics of Seville oranges.” Seville Orange & Welsh Apple Brandy Marmalade is available to purchase through our online shop The Pantry

Great Taste Awards 2020 Pantri Swswen Press Release
Pantri Swswen is among the Great Taste winners of 2020
Great Taste, the world’s most trusted food and drink awards, has announced its stars of 2020. Out of 12,777 products sent in from 106 different countries,Pantri Swswen was awarded a1-star Great Taste award, which means judges dubbed it a food that delivers fantastic flavour.
Judged by 144 of the most discerning palates, belonging to food critics, chefs, cooks, restaurateurs, buyers, retailers and producers, as well as food writers and journalists, Great Taste is the most coveted of all food and drink awards. As well as a badge of honour, the unmistakeable black and gold Great Taste label is a signpost to an outstanding product, which has been discovered through hours and hours of blind tasting.
This year’s winners have been found through a combination of remote judging and socially distanced judging sessions, after the lockdown began just one week into the schedule. This necessitated a swift and comprehensive reinvention of the Great Taste process to ensure that robust judging standards were maintained and the quality of feedback was not compromised. All in time to provide a much-needed boost for food and drink producers during the all-important Christmas period.
The 2020 Award Judging & Judges
Recognised as a stamp of excellence among consumers and retailers alike, Great Taste values taste above all else, with no regard for branding and packaging. Whether it is cake, coffee, kippers or kombucha being judged, all products are removed from their wrapper, jar, box or bottle before being tasted. The judges then savour, confer and re-taste to decide which products are worthy of a 1-, 2- or 3-star award. There were 12,777 entries into Great Taste this year and of those products, 205 have been awarded a 3-star, 1,294 received a 2-star and 3,818 were awarded a 1-star accolade. The panel of judges this year included; cook, writer and champion of sustainable food, Melissa Hemsley. Cook, writer, stylist and voice of modern vegetarian cooking, Anna Jones. Celebrated Spanish chef, José Pizarro, Kavi Thakrar from Dishoom. Food writer and cook, Xanthe Clay, and baker and author, Martha Collison, as well as food buyers from Selfridges, Fortnum & Mason and Waitrose.